
Origami Pineapple Pavilion in England - fubiz

스튜디오 Morison은 영국의 Berrington Hall 정원에 핑크색 파인애플 모양의 현대 종이접기 모양의 건물을 지었습니다. (출처 : fubiz.net)

Studio Morison built a contemporary origami-like pavilion in the shape of a pink pineapple for the gardens of Berrington Hall, in England. The construction was designed to attract visitors, host social events and kick start the fundraising for the restoration of the 18th century Berrington Hall’s walled garden. Local artists Heather Peak and Ivan Morison first designed the structure using origami and then collaborated with structural engineers Artura to create the eight-meter-tall by eight-meter-wide pavilion. Standing out against its green surroundings, the pavilion’s dusty pink finish alludes to the Georgian period and matches the interiors of Berrington Hall.

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